Press Information Service

Detroit 31, Michigan

TUlsa 3-4500




The Chrysler-developed gas turbine uses a system by which fresh air enters the turbine compressor at a flow rate of 2. 2 pounds per second at the lowest temperature and pressure in the system and is compressed at a ratio of 4 to 1. The air gathered in the compressor heats up to 300 degrees F.


Coming from the compressor at 300 degrees F., this air enters the regenerator where it is circulated, building up its temperature to approximately 1,000 degrees F.


The 1,000 degrees F. air then is passed on into the burner chamber where it is heated to approximately 1,700 degrees F.


The hot gas expands through both turbine wheels and is exhausted up through the rear half of the regenerator, giving up heat.


The regenerator is rotated mechanically to transfer the heat recovered from the exhaust gas to the compressor discharge. This process allows considerable fuel saving and keeps the exhaust gas temperature markedly below that of comparable piston engines.


Without a regenerator, a gas turbine engine operation would be prohibitively expensive because the engine would expend most of its energy to run itself.


Without a regenerator, it also would be necessary for the fuel to spend most of its energy to raise the heat of circulated air within its system some 1,400 degrees from 300 to 1,700 degrees F. instead of the 700 degree increase from 1,000 to 1,700 degrees F. required by use of the regenerator.

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Page updated 8-9-2017