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Universal Studios presents The Lively Set - Starring Doug McClure, James Darren, Pamela Tiffen, Joanie Sommers, Peter Mann, Marilyn Maxwell and -

The Fabulous Chrysler Turbine Car!

George Stecher was the head mechanic of the Chrysler Turbine program. He also was the person driving the car in this and all the scenes in the movie. Chrysler did not want stunt men driving the car so they had him go out with the car and be part of the movie. Mickey Thompson drives one of the other cars in this movie.

VIEW THE Seven Minute long movie trailer from Unversal here on You-Tube.

If you would like to purchase this movie, it is available now in DVD format - On Line - from Hot Rod Memories. Their URL is listed below or just click on it.


The above site is a commercial site and I am not connected with the seller. I purchased my copy of this film from the above site before it's name changed from Main Attractions.

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Page Last Updated 8-9-2017