Scamp Decals

Now Available!

All the below are shown with the cover - transfer paper. You remove the backing and postion them with the cover paper on then smooth out and remove the cover - transfer paper.

Above is the front lower (red) stripe - I may have this re-done, it did not turn out exactly like the original - but I like it more uniform and may use it.

The hood decal above turned out very good!

The side decal is exactly as the original!

The Tail Gate stripes are great too.

The complete kit includes both the orange and red stripes at the tail gate, I only show the orange one.

Included with the lettering is enough orange and red stripe strips (five feet long) to do the rest of the truck - cutting to size - the longest strip is on the door (53" long).

Price = $115.00 for the entire set - plus shipping.


Kent Christianson

Fastline Graphix

Phone toll free


9:00am - 4:00pm weekdays Central time

Tell Kent you want the Scamp decals like Mark Olson's and he will help you out.

Page modified 7/20/2004