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I went to Gilmore on the 22nd because the car #25 would be there and Bill Carry was there too. Bill answered many questions that day - Steve Lehto was there too to sign his book - I also met an engineer that worked on the Chrysler program during the 70's - he now works for WIlliams International. Bill is retired and works on the WPC museum turbine cars.
Bill had his wife with him too.
Here is the back of car 25 - remember this car was in a bubble for 10+ years.
Above is the small dent mentioned in the delivery papers to the Detroit Historical - I think it adds a bit of reality to the car - yes this car was used - and abused.
The Gilmore/Detroit Historical car has the original turbine ribbed tires on it yet - I would not trust them to drive down the highway today - fourty years later - but they were only used on the Ghia program cars - very limited special tires produced by Goodyear just for these cars.
Above is the engine serial number - 831-2-015 - did they make more than 100 of these engines? - the 015 would suggest they did - Bill can't remember - I must do more research.
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Page last up-dated 7-26-20`6