A blatant request for money!

In a perfect world, I would be rich, welcome to the real world! Since I am not rich and am providing a service that some people find useful - - - I make this blatant request to part with a small amout of your hard earned cash. I am not tax deductable and I promise nothing for your donations except to put them into the maintenance and improvements of this web site.

It costs about $50.00 a month for me to keep this web site up and free of annoying ads like free sites have. I want to control my content completely and am willing to pay for that privilage. I will consider text links for donors before other requests.

I use PayPal

click the button below

you will be taken to a secure donation page on their site.

Donations of old turbine car stuff would also be appreciated - if you have any old documents, photos (personal non-published material) that would be great too. If you just wanted to loan them to me, I would return them after scanning them. Email me if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for any help you feel you can give.


CLICK HERE or the above button to return to my home page.

Page last updated 5/18/2011