Restoration of my 65 Valiant Convertible.
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I got another coat -with shine - on the hood and the doors are hung and red too.
Front fenders have been stripped - primed inside and painted red inside. I will primer the outside and finish the body work on them when they are on the car.
I have the sheet metal all on the front now - time to finish the body work there.
I have the red painted everywhere - inside the sheet metal - and between the pieces.
I got the steering column re-built and
re-installed also - I still have to fix the steering wheel - it needs a lot of epoxy and work to look good - the
column is fine now though.
I spent last night wiring - the dash is all wired and all I need to do is add the speaker and radio - I think I will install it soon.
The new dash cap came
out pretty good.
On Saturday the 28th of July I got the front fenders painted, more dash wire hooked up and some other little details
done. I have decided to hold off doing anything in the trunk this summer - I will concentrate on the ouside and
inteior - also getting it running as soon as possible.
This shot was after I got the hood catch and other parts installed. Getting ready to start.
This was shot before I added the battery, and fluids. Last night, August 14th, I started it up for the first time. IT RAN! I have a problem with a few leaks that need attention but it ran! I had the timing about 8 degrees retarded but once I got it back to spec - it started right up and idled fine. I feel good considering it has new carb, distrubutor, electronic ignition, alternator, regulator and many other parts - and it ran!
I also got the seat upholstery back last week $$$$ yike. It looks pretty good - now I have to get it installed on the seat frames.
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Page last updated 8/24/2007