Restoration of my 65 Valiant Convertible.
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On the 15th I got the car out of the garage - finally got the transmission leak fixed (I hope) and wanted to see what it was going to look like with the top up.
Here is another shot from the side - I still need another coat of paint on most of the car but that happens later.
Back in the shop and the new carpet is put in place - it is going to be VERY RED!
This is finished painted - waiting to cure enough to color sand and rub it out.
Another shot of the interior - got to get seats in it now.
Yesterday the 23rd, I got the windshield in (I did not break it - yay! I got some of the stainless around the windshield to but did not take a photo after that - I was too tired and needed to get to something else.
Here is a shot looking out through the nice new tinted windshield.
I finally got the front seat done - for the most part, have to add seat belts and some trim. Next the rest of the back seat.
I am spending a lot of time buffing the paint and working on the interior. I have to finish the back seat and get the weather strips for the doors - I thought I had them but the ones I bought a year ago are too thick - the doors won't close :(
I need to paint the top of the insides of the doors and install the vent windows - then the rest of the door hardware. I need to buff the paint on the doors out first.
Well, I have not up-dated this in a long time, I hope to drive the Valiant around later this month - here are a few more shots as I replace the trim, the interior is about 95% done and the exterior about the same.
It is dusty - I have
not washed or waxed it since I buffed the paint out and it sat all winter - I need to get it out and do a complete
detail job on it - I also need to buff the sides out yet.
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Page last updated 6/19/2007