Restoration of my 65 Valiant Convertible.
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I took a few more photos - I finished putting the chrome on - wish I could re-chrome the bumpers but that will have to wait for more time and money
I still need to put the center medalion on the grill - lots of little things - like new tires and painting the wheels/hubcaps.
You have to admit it is RED!
First Car Show - Proctor Hog Head Show August 13, 2008
Well we finally got to a show. I thought I had it all done in July but then when I got the alignment done and was heading home - the engine (the one I did not rebuild but figured would last a while) started to make a lot of "bad" noise and the oil presure was less than 0 at idle. - - - So $1,500 and a month and a half later - - - a rebuilt engine purrs very nice - still have a rough idle to work on - maybe carb. We have taken a few shake down trips and burned about seven gallons of gas through the new engine and put on about 140 miles. Great to be back in an open top car on a nice day like Sunday the 16th was here in Duluth. Anyway here are a few more photos from last Wednesday.
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Page last updated 8/17/2007