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I am working on a complete redesign of the photo part of this site, for now I will just link you to the old photo stuff by having you
The editor of Automotive Traveler e-magazine Richard Truesdell took a whole lot of photos at the WPC and around Detroit with the turbine car. He is sharing a few with me and I suggest you check his site for a complete article on his dream come true chance with the Chrysler Turbine car. Click Here to see some sample photos or click on this banner to visit his e-Magazine site:
Turbine car #25 has found a new home, it is now in Hickory Corners MI at the Gilmore Museum. Jim Benjaminson and I made a quick trip there on the weekend of July 22, 2006. We drove all day and spent seven hours at the museum - then drove back - met with Steve Lehto and Bill Carry too. Click here for more information and photos.
Stuart Bicknell was user #62 and he and his family lived in San Diego CA in 1964. Charlie, his son recently had an old 16mm family film converted to digital and has allowed me to share it with the world here on this site. CLICK HERE to view in Windows Media Player.
See What If - what if Chrysler had decided to build and market the car.
Here to see another "What If" - Brad Leisure's ideas point something out.
See photos of my trip to St. Louis in April of 2005 - many detail shots of that car!
Some photos I took in 2003 of the turbine at the WPC
HIGHLAND PARK - The home of Chrysler Engineering and Turbine Labs CLICK HERE for more information.
Steve Lehto shared some photos of the Greenfield plant that still exists today CLICK HERE to see them.
The prototype of the Turbine Car - The 1962 Typhoon
Hand-out given to people who showed interest in the turbine car, also at mall shows.
Driver's Guide - Glove Box Book.
Parts of the 40th Aniversary of Chrysler's "Story" booklet. (1964)
Here is a page with more information on the Movie that starred the car.
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Last updated 10-3-2018