The movie "The Lively Set" starring "The Chrysler Turbine Car" and co-starring James Darren, Pamela Tiffen, Doug McClure, Joanie Summers, & Marilyn Maxwell, is available for $19.95 + $5.00 postage on line from Hot Rod Memories / Main Attractions at their web location -
Hot Rod Memories, Tom Dulaney, 157 Copper Ave, Vista, CA 92083, (760) 295-0931 -
History Channel Video - Titled " ISBN# 0-7670-0296-2, History Channel number AAE-40126. one hour video produced for TV in 1996. This has become and Oldie and no longer available from the History channel directly. You will have to search eBay and other web places if you want a copy. Some used are available.
Plymouth Owners Club Inc. The club has a very good video that was put together by Jim Benjaminson. This is available for loan from the club for a modest rental fee.
Walter P. Chrysler News Vol. IX No. I - Sept. 1977 issue. A very well done 17 page article by Kevin McCabe on the whole Chrysler Turbine Car Program. Reprints are still available from the WPC Club. box 3504, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA 49003-3504 on the web link
Motor Books American Car series book by Jim Benjaminson titled Plymouth 1946 - 1959, ISBN# 0-87938-840-4. The 6th chapter of this fine book has some great pictures and information in it. This book is out of print but you may be able to find it on line in one of the out of print book stores or an e-Bay auction.
The Complete History of Chrysler 1924-85 by Richard M. Langworth and Jan Norbye is a good book for any Chrysler enthusiast with three pages of turbine information.
The June 1980 Special Interest Autos has a great article by Leon Dixon, I have that on my site in web form at, please check it out.
The December 1980 issue of Car Collector magazine has a very good article by Tom Murray called "I drove the dog whistle" a sidebar article is included with an interview with a user.
The February 1981 issue of Prototype cars that never were is strange in that it appears to be a lot of the information from a 1986 issue of Collectible Automobile. I think the sources were the same for both and recycled.
Collectible Automobile Magazine December 1986 issue (Vol..3, No. 4) had a very good article by Richard Langworth with many high quality color photos and another interview with George Stecher. Back issues of that magazine are still available for $6.95 from Collectible Automobile Magazine 7373 N Cicero Ave., Lincolnwood, IL, 60646-1613 or phone 800-871-2022.
Car and Driver yearbook published in 1991 has a color article by Patrick Bedard that is very good.
Special Interest Autos for January/February 1992 has a very good article by Michael Lamm, I have published a web version at and I thank that magazine for permission to do that.
Motor Trend for March 1992 has an article by Don Sherman that is a retrospect on what was done in the 60's and 70's Chrysler programs. An interesting thing is that I have two copies of this same magazine and they have different covers. I don't know why!
Motor Trend August 1998 has shot of the Kleptz car in an article by C. Van Tune on page 35 of that magazine
High Performance Mopar Magazine had an article in the March 1994 issue. That may still be available
from them call - 714-213-1030 or e-mail them at
Motor Trend in the August 1998 issue on page 35 had two pictures or Frank Kleptz's running car.
Mopar Action magazine has picture of the St. Louis Car that appears on page 64 of the December 1998 issue
Real Oldies (1980 and before)
Note I will try to get flash files of most of these magazines on-line, they are all 1.5 to 3.5 megs and require a while to load. Underlined colored titles are linked.
The May 1954 issue of Motor Trend has an article by Don MacDonald on the first Chrysler turbine powered automobile. This is two pages long with a few black and white photo.
The October 1954 issue of Auto Age has an article by George Huebner and is four pages long with some black and white photos.
A special True Magazine "Automobile Yearbook" from the year 1955 had an article by Kenneth Kinkade on the current (1955) state of the turbo-car as he calls it.
The August 1956 issue of Speed Age
contains an article by George Huebner that starts on page 14 and continues through page 17 with information on
the 1956 Plymouth with a turbine engine.
The October 1956 issue of Car Life has a four page article by A.B. Gunnel on the turbine program.
The October 1956 issue of MOTOR GUIDE has a very neat article about future Chrysler Turbine Cars.
The June 1956 issue of Popular Mechanics has an article by George Huebner on the coast to coast trip of the 1956 Plymouth, .lots of photos and good story.
The June 1956 issue of Motor Trend has an article on if the V8 engine will survive the turbine - by Don MacDonald.
The July 1956 issue of Rod Builder & Customizer has an article by Samuel Bird that is very good and five pages long, this was a very short lived magazine and this was the first issue.
The August 1959 issue of Motor Trend has an article by Walt Woron that is a little over two pages and pretty generic, a little on the Chrysler program.
The June 1961 issue of Car and Driver has an article by Karl Ludvigsen which is over four pages long and has some good information on the 1959 Plymouth turbine car.
The July 1961 issue of Popular Science had an article by Devon Francis on the 1961 Chrysler turbine car.
The March 1962 issue of Popular Mechanics has a five plus page article by Don Werner on the 62 Plymouth/Dodge cars.
The April 1962 Science and Mechanics magazine has an article about a test ride in the 1962 Dodge turbine car, this is by Bill Carrol.
The May 1963 issue of Motor Trend has a one page editorial on the TurboFlite show car.
The May 10, 1963 issue of Time Magazine had a short article on the just announced turbine program.
The May 25th issue of The Saturday Evening Post has an article called "Comeback in Detroit" and covers Lynn Townsend's new role at Chrysler and the turbine is a part of that article by James Jones.
The June 1963 issue of Life magazine has an article by Al Rothenburg that is in color with a photo of two of the cars on a road somewhere, very nice photo.
In the July 1963 issue of Hot Rod magazine, Bob Greene did a nice article on the Ghia cars, this has a few good photos too.
In the August 1963 issue of Modern Motor, Bill Wilson covers his driving the Chrysler Turbine car in an car magazine from "down under".
In the August 1963 issue of Popular Hot Rodding is another article about the Ghia program.
In the August 1963 issue of Car Life, the editor covers the decades what is called the most significant vehicle of the decade.
In the August 1963 issue of Auto Sports, Nancy I. Phillips tells the story of the new Chrysler turbine car.
In the August 1963 issue of Canada Track & Traffic - there is a very good article by Dick Syson - looking at the Ghia car from a "Far North" perspective.
The September 1963 issue of Mechanix Illustrated has an article
by Tom MaCahill and features the white prototype of the Ghia cars, very good.
The September 1963 issue of Speed Mechanics has the editor doing a five page article on the Ghia program.
The September 1963 issue of Science and Mechanics has an article by Denise McCluggage and is unique in that a woman tested a Ghia car for a man's magazine.
The November 1963 issue of Hop Up does a short test of the white prototype Ghia car.
The February 1964 issue of the British magazine Motor Sports contains an article on the new Chrysler turbine car.
The May 1964 issue of Motor Cars Illustrated contains an article by Karl Benz on the new Ghia/Chrysler turbine car. (large Flash file)
The Car Preview magazine for 1965 by Coronado Books has an interesting article on the Ghia/Chrysler program. (large Flash file)
The March 1965 CARS magazine had an article on page 23 called "The Gas Turbine Late Developments" and was also written by Roger Huntington, ASAE.
The August 1965 issue of Motorcade had an interesting article titled "Whatever Happened to the Turbine?" Now we still had ours when that article hit the magazine racks in July of 1965 so I guess you could say it was alive and well then. Would be a good title for an article now however.
The Winter 1965 issue of Ward's Quarterly, a hardback publication, has an great article by Roger Huntington on the turbine program with good color photos, this is a bit hard to find but can be found on line from time to time, that is where I got my copy.
The March 1966 issue of American Rodding had a very good article by Roger Huntington on the turbine cars too. Mr. Huntington goes into a very good comparisons of the Wankle to the turbine.
The May 1966 issue of Motorcade has an article by Barney Navarro that points out the problems with the turbine program from his point of view.
The February 1966 issue of Motor Trend has a short article that includes one photo of the 1954 Plymouth turbine car.
The April 1967 issue of Motor Trend has an article by John Ethridge that includes the turbine with future power for automobiles.
The hard cover book called Automobile Quarterly has two issues with turbine related information. The Fall 1968 issue has a 16 page article by Jan Norbye that is very good and the Summer 1969 issue has a photo of the Harrah car on page 94.
The December 1972 issue of Road and Track has an article on the 1967 Dodge Coronet turbine car, this is by John Dinkel.
In another Road and Track magazine, I don't know the month or the year for sure but is was in the early 1970's - 1972 is my best guess - there was an article by Ron Wakefield (the Engineering Editor of R&T) on alternatives to the conventional engine this is a web verison of that article - an R&T bonus Feature.
The September 1973 issue of Popular Science finds Norbye and Dunne writing an article on the turbine program, includes up to date information to 1973 program.
The January 1974 issue of Car and Driver magazine has an interesting article by Patrick Bedard about the Ghia car and the program in the 70's - interesting photo of George Huebner and the back of the Ghia car.
The February 1978 issue of Motor Trend includes an article by Karl Ludvigsen on the D.O.E. program.
The March 1980 issue of Car Exchange by John Gunnell is interesting - it does have two mistakes that have been corrected in later years - first that only 50 cars were made - 55 actually - second that 10 were saved. We now know that only 9 survive and the confusion over the 10th car was cleared up by witnesses who saw the car crash tested and later sitting wrecked in the pile at the proving grounds.
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