Restoration of my 65 Valiant Convertible.

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Above is a shot of the front end after I removed the fenders September 17th 2006.

Another shot on September 17th

Above is a shot taken on September 29th after I started installing the new rear springs.

Above is a shot of the rear end back in the car on the 30th of September.

Above is a another shot on the 30th of September 2006.

Above is a another shot from the side on September 30th.

Above is a shot after I got the brakes on - ready to put the wheels back and then start removing the engine and suspension up front.

Above is a shot taken on the 28th of October 2006 - I have been working - I got the engine and transmission out and am starting to remove the undercoating and paint from the front uni-body.

Above is a shot also taken on the 28th of October - some primer in place.

Above is a shot taken on November 6th, 2006 - I am getting a lot of the paint and undercoating off and etching primer over the bare metal to keep it from rusting and preparing for sealer/primer.

Above is a another shot on the 6th of November.

Above is a another shot on the 6th of November.

The Heater is another sub-system that needs to be fixed - watch for finished shots later.

Bare metal on the firewall - now need wam to paint - still have a little paint/undercoating removal to do.

That darn undercoating is tough to get off!!!! Right side wheel well almost there!


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Page last updated 12/13/2006