How I spent the Winter, November 2000 to May 2001!
Or I must be crazy to do these things!
Click on any photo for a larger image and more info.
Above are some shots of the project, I hope you enjoy them.
Above is the car on May 9th, 2001 I am ready to go to my first Wednesday night car meet. Here
in the Duluth Minnesota area, we have a informal group that meets on some parking lot in the city every Wednesday
during the Summer (if it doesn't rain). We meet various places and just hang with the other car owners. Kind of
like a parking lot auto show without any judging or prizes. The local Wall Mart is the default place unless we
get invited to another location.
Update to work, on June 9th I had the Fury judged at the National meet in Reedsburg Wisconsin.
I did not come home with a win but it was my own fault. I think I could have placed third with a little more time
to details. I scored 85 out of a possible 100 points - I am happy with that. I could have picked up at least two
points by getting up earlier that Saturday. Two points lost were for dirty things I could have cleaned! They had
a lot of "C" body cars there but no car had the 90 points necessary to get a first place - so no first
place prize was awarded.
Last updated 11/8/2001